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How to cook Gammon Steak

  1. Season the Gammon Steak on both sides.
  2. Heat the oil in the frying pan on a medium heat.
  3. Place the steak in the pan once it has reached cooking temperature – the steak should sizzle immediately.
  4. Cook for around 10 minutes, turning occasionally to get a nice colour on both sides.

 how to cook gammon steak Oven-baked recipe
Serves 2

1 tsp rapeseed oil
2 gammon steaks
Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Oil the steaks and put them on a baking sheet, season well.
Cook for 7 mins and then turn over and cook for another 7 mins.

how to cook gammon steak Pan-fried recipe
Serves 2

2 tsp rapeseed oil
2 gammon steaks
Heat the oil in frying pan large enough to hold 2 gammon steaks. Season the steaks. Put them into the pan and cook on a medium heat for 5 mins – they should have started to brown slightly.
Turn the steaks over and cook for another 5 mins. If they are not cooked through, cook for 1 min more on each side. 

A nice way to cook gammon steak


85g bulgur wheat
85g fresh or frozen peas or petits pois (200g/8oz in the pod)
A large leek, thinly sliced
1 orange, halved
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
A tbsp runny honey
1 tsp Dijon mustard
2 lean gammon steaks
1 tbsp mint sauce


Preheat the grill to high. Tip the bulgur and 450ml/16fl oz cold water into a large saucepan, bring to the boil and simmer for 8 minutes. Toss in the peas and leek and bubble for 3-5 minutes more, until soft.

Meanwhile, while the bulgur bubbles, make the glaze and cook the gammon. Squeeze the juice of one orange half into a pan, stir in the Worcestershire sauce, honey and mustard and simmer for 2 minutes until sticky. Season the steaks with pepper only, put them on the rack and grill for 5-6 minutes each side, brushing frequently with the glaze.

When the bulgur is done, drain, season well with salt and pepper and fork in the mint sauce.

Cut each steak in half and serve on the bulgur, with the remaining orange half cut into segments.

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