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How to cook pork loin chops in the oven
Serves 4

750g new potatoes
500g vine-ripened tomatoes
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
3-4 rosemary sprigs, leaves finely chopped
olive oil
4 pork chops
Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Wash the potatoes, but don’t peel them. Cut into thickish slices then cook in boiling water for 6-8 mins until almost tender. Drain. Slice the tomatoes to the same thickness.
Drizzle a little olive oil in the base of a shallow ovenproof dish wide enough to take the chops in one layer. Arrange rows of potatoes and tomatoes across the dish, seasoning as you go and sprinkling with half the rosemary and all the garlic.
Drizzle a couple more tbsps of olive oil over the vegetables and bake for 15 mins, then sit the pork on top, season and sprinkle with the remaining rosemary. Return to the oven for 35-45 mins, until the pork and potatoes are tender.

How to cook pork loin chops Grilled

Serves 4

4 pork chops


Optional extras:

4 tbsp apple sauce

100-140g blue cheese

Turn on the grill. Season the chops on both sides. Grill under a moderate heat for 12-16 mins, turning once, until just cooked (or 16-18 mins if not adding a topping).

Add the topping if using. Thinly slice the cheese (don’t worry if it breaks up a bit). Spoon the apple sauce over the chops and top each one with a couple of slices of cheese. Slide back under the grill for 2-3 mins until the cheese is melted and tinged brown. Serve with mashed potatoes and a green veg such as leeks or broccoli, and with any melted cheesy bits from the bottom of the pan.

Pan fried pork chops recipe


Serves 2

1 tsp oil (such as sunflower or light olive oil)

2 pork chops

Rub the oil on the chops and season well with salt and pepper.

Heat the pan over a medium-high heat then add the chops and pan-fry for about 7 mins on each side until cooked through.

Remember to brown fat on the edge, too.

Take the pan off the heat and leave to rest for a few mins, then pour the resting juices over the meat to serve.

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